We’re so happy to offer our beautiful goods for you to sell in your shop
Buy our Women’s Clothing, Women’s Lingerie and Men’s Underwear Wholesale.
About our Nucleus Clothing Wholesale
Nucleus Wholesale allows you to buy our amazing stock.
Women’s Wear: Our minimum order is 5 units per Colour per Style. So you can order one style in a colour but order 5 different sizes.
Women’s Lingerie: Our minimum order is 10 units per Colour Per Style.
Men’s Underwear: Our minimum order is 7 units per Colour Per Style.
(Please note that no-one else besides Nucleus (ourselves) can sell on Takealot, Avo or Amazon).
In order to be able to sell online on their own website the buyer will need to have a brick and mortar store too.
Please fill in this form in order to be added as a wholesale user, your Username and Password will be sent to you once you’re approved. (We may contact you for additional information).